Villanueva’s Public Library - Meza + Piñol + Ramírez + Torres‏

Posted Saturday, April 04, 2009 by SixSevenEightNine in Labels:

Villanueva’s Public Library.

We found this to be a really special project. From time to time, it is encountering projects like this that we truly remember why architecture is worthwhile. It's impacts resonate on various levels, from self to community, social to ecological; and is not simply an egotistical expression of an individual.
The library is set in a region suffering from the after effects of civil war. In recognition to regeneration phase that the community is going through, the chosen building technique could be seen as a facilitation of the healing process of the society. The usage of Gabion walls, in which stones are framed within a cage to form a modular building material and the choice of locally harvested timber meant the creation of local jobs. These were open invitations for former militants to 'reinsert' themselves into community they once terrorised. We think beyond its sense of materiality, the beauty of this project is its contribution to the closure of a painful chapter for this community and it is perhaps poetic to consider that beyond the life of the building, its material could be returned to nature as dust would to dust and ashes to ashes.


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