Soft Underbelly

Posted Wednesday, October 06, 2010 by SixSevenEightNine in Labels:

The Soft Underbelly is a project by popupdesign, for the Glow event 2010 in City of Santa Monica, USA. While very simple in its form and materials, Soft Underbelly maximizes the tactile sensations experienced by the visitor. The project consists of a double layer canopy floating above an artificial landscape. The canopy is held aloft using metallic white helium filled balloons that will both glow under the black light, as well as reflect the light around them. The lower layer of the canopy is a hairy network made of thousands of threads of mono-filament line painted in glowing UV reactive paint.

Designed by: Joshua Howell and Aaron Zeligs
Lighting Design: Andrew Heom
Fabrication assistants: Michael Colosimo, Matthew Gilio-Tennan, Andrew Heom, Ben Howell, Jesse Howell, Justin Rice, Kagan Taylor and Aaron Thomsen

Materials: Latex balloons, artificial turf, Tide detergent, monofilament line, netting, steel pipe

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