Viewing Tower - ateliereenarchitecten

Posted Thursday, August 06, 2009 by SixSevenEightNine in Labels:

Vertical solution for landscape.

Certain areas in Netherlands are earmarked as starting points for recreational use of the rural landscape. Visitors are encouraged to park their cars at these sites before venturing beyond by less invasive means of transports such as horses or bikes. This provided an opportunity for Eindhoven based Ateliereenarchitecten to construct a viewing tower that doubles up as a sports park to bring city dwellers closer to nature. Consisting of 6 cubes that are supported by a core of steel columns, the 25m viewing towers takes full potential of the site by allowing visitors a panoramic view of the surrounding while engaging in sports such as climbing and abseiling and utilizing the abundant wood piles as a cladding material. What's perhaps most interesting in this project is the creation of an interface between the rural and urban landscape, which apart from creating interesting opportunities for architecture, also addresses the disconnectivity between the rural and the urban and due credit should be given to the enlightened planning authorities for inculding the rural area as part of its masterplanning.

Via ateliereenarchitecten...


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