Michelbergerhotel in Germany - Studio Aisslinger

Posted Friday, March 12, 2010 by SixSevenEightNine in Labels:

It's time for a holiday!...

“Studio Aisslinger recently completed designing the Michelbergerhotel in Berlin, Germany. Its interior is raw and edgy, with an Urban Outfitters-meets-handmade kind of vibe. There are 119 rooms with five categories, most small for singles or couples, some large enough for four. Owner Tom Michelberger, just 31 years old, desired his hotel to have a “young at heart” feeling, and renowned Designer Werner Aisslinger stepped up to the challenge, creating this highly character-driven anti-trendy boutique hotel experience.”
The cost is fairly low as well to appeal to “dreamers, movers and shakers, lovebirds, soul searchers, artists, craftspeople, globetrotters.”

Studio Aisslinger...


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