Green Plant Sleeves for City Walls - Urban Activism

Posted Saturday, September 05, 2009 by SixSevenEightNine in Labels:

Here, 2 Toronto residents, Eric Cheung and Sean Martindale, are making this basic urban space ideal into a reality with their poster pocket planters, as their introduction of a bit of greenery into a city environment. The duo carve their way through existing posters to create little pockets, then fill them with potting soil and plants to create an impromptu green wall system. The result is a bit of greenery that effortlessly blends into the existing urban landscape.

Although verging towards the behaviour of guerrilla gardeners, the duo consider their project to be something more like public space or urban activism. Unsurprisingly, the two activists-of-sorts are looking to stir up reactions from those who pass by their pockets.

Cheung and Martindale hope that their project will move beyond the city boundaries of Toronto, and inspire others to create their own green wall systems. So when they say urban activism, they mean YOU interacting with YOUR urban surroundings. So what can we do for our own cities?

Follow their footsteps


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